
Drinks in Baltics

Famous drinks of Baltic countries

  Each Baltic country has drink or drinks, which is famous for. It has it owns history and roots. Some of drinks have their roots in the middle ages others are younger but still very good. Lithuania is famous for amber colour mead, Latvia for it's old traditional balsams and Estonia for great liqueurs.

 The oldest alcoholic beverage in the world, called the North European wine made from honey and water. This is mead. The resulting thousands of years ago, blossomed and vanished from the main space of alcoholic beverages, mead back to day as a unique, special and luxurious drink.Mead was known for humanity before beer and wine. Mead, at the same time was holly and every day drink used by kings and peasants. Mead also has been used for religious rituals, medicines.It was believed that it helps to communicate with Gods. 

 The first historical references to mead consumption in the Baltic States are found in the Greek geographer, historian and philosopher in his work "Geography" (64-24BC), where he describes the tribes of the Baltic Sea and he mentions that they were "having a honey and grain and produce a drink from them ". Royal Castle books provided detailed knowledge about mead using. For example, Congress held in Lutsk castle, in 1429 Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas told daily serving 700 drums of meads and other drinks for guests. Estate of duke Žygimantas Augustas (Sigismund Augustus) was drank 30 drums of mead and beer each week. 
 XV-XVIII century in Lithuania, there was so – called brotherhood of mead. This is a unique phenomenon in Eastern Europe, these fraternities not detected in any other country. Since the end of the14th century Lithuania was launched to establish inns. It had 364 beer taverns, 40 inns of mead, 71 vodka inn. 
Nowadays Stakliškės Company is famous for its meads. It produces different kinds and degrees alcohol by volume. The most famous of them mead “Trakai” ( price/0.5 l – 6 €), mead nectar “Vilnius” ( price/0.5 l – 10 €), mead balsam “ Žalgiris“ ( price/0.5 l – 35 €). Mostly it make from honey, diluted with water, wine fermentation with yeast. Prices from 4 € to 40 €.
Strong drinks
 “Stumbras” is one of the biggest and most popular producers of strong alcoholic drinks in Lithuania. The distillery whose history, culture and traditions started in the end of the 19th century. Any drink starts with crystal clear water. Then the finest grain, natural juice, Lithuanian bee honey, selected berries, spices and fruit tree leaves are added. Another very important thing is the bottle. We seek that the form and colour of every bottle should best reveal peculiarities of a drink. Most used drinks of  “Stumbras”: “ The Green Nines” (price/0.5 l – 9 €), Millers’ Bitter” (price/0.5 l – 7 €), brandy” Gloria” (price/0.5 l – 9 €),  Vodka “ Stumbras” (price/0.5 l – 6 €).

 Breweries Business in Lithuania has been known since ancient times. In the 11th century beer was started to make in Lithuania, however it became popular just in 16th century. According to Lithuanian Association of Brewers every resident of Lithuania on average drinks about 87 liters per year. Nowadays Lithuania has about 80 different kinds of beer. Alcohol sold between 08:00 and 22:00 hours in shop markets.

 Riga Balsam is a traditional Latvian herbal liqueur made with many different natural ingredients mixed in pure vodka. It has been made in Riga since the middle of the 18th century. According to legend, Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, became ill during a visit to Latvia, but was cured after drinking Riga Balsam. It can be had as it is, on the rocks or mixed with schnapps, warm tea, coffee or black currant juice, or just mixed with soda water. It is also occasionally enjoyed as a topping on ice-cream. The drink itself is black and very bitter, but with a distinct sweetness. It has a powerful healing quality of aroma. Still is making by an ancient recipe, which was used by pharmacists in Riga. Price/0.5 l -  11 €. Alcoholic beverages are only sold in shops from 08:00 - 22:00 hours. Drinks are sold in each shop center. 

 Vana Tallinn, the liqueur is sweet with a hint of rum, flavoured by various natural spices, including citrus oil, cinnamon and vanilla. Vana Tallinn is widely available in all of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), as well as Russia and Finland. Although it is advertised as an ancient and traditional Estonian drink, the production was actually only started in 1960.The sweetness and flavours disguise the high alcohol content making it potentially dangerous, especially in a cocktail called the "hammer and sickle" where it is mixed with Russian sparkling wine. The drink is so named because according to local legend, it hits the drinker on the head and cuts off his legs. It is mixed with 1 part Vana Tallinn and 4 parts sparkling wine or champagne. Price/0.5  l – 7 €. Important information: A city law of Estonia prohibits all alcohol sales between 22:00 and 10:00 hours, you can buy them in every bigger supermarket. 


Taste a bit of Vilnius

Explore Vilnius before and now
   If you are interested in architecture and visiting historical places, Vilnius Old Town is one of the greatest place to do it. Walking in the contemporary Vilnius centre one hardly understands that most of the spaces were reshaped there after the World War II.    Vilnius was bombed in 1944, but later was considerably changed following the Soviet urban standards in 1950s. However now it is able to see the historical city views and here is some photos to compare as it was before and how it looks now. Start your short trip! 
  Didzioji st. or The Grand st. is one of the oldest streets in Vilnius. In ancient times, the church in the Piatnitsky site was located in the fish market. Solemn ceremony took place on the street nearby free standing hall discussing political issues. Now the street is one of the most visited by people in the streets. Are located in the luxury clothing shops, cafes, restaurants, cultural centers and clubs. This evolving shops that can boast of a famous brand and business experience.  
Street has formed its face and is known as a luxury boutique-style shopping center. Traders, knowing it, exploit opportunities to develop in the street, because people want to buy the type of goods, the flow will go right here. 
 Gediminas Castle  -  it is one of three Vilnius castles, which was mentioned in historical documents. This Lower Castle was a residence of Grand Duke, built in 1230 on the Gediminas Hill. It is the oldest of them, the Upper Castle, now called Gediminas Castle.
 Now the castle is an important state and historic symbol of the city of Vilnius and of Lithuania itself. From the top of the hill you can enjoy the marvelous panorama of Vilnius.
   Vilnius Cathedral is one building that reminds of classical Athenian temples. The interior of this famous Cathedral is of a great artistic value. More than 40 artworks from the 16-19th centuries, both frescoes and paintings decorate the walls of the Cathedral. It has a museum dedicated to the history of the building from pagan time till nowadays is located in the Cathedral’s catacombs. At the exhibition different archeological finds and the altars of a pagan temple are presented.
  Like many historic building the Cathedral has its mystery and doesn’t want to disclose it. There is a Latin inscription on the facade of the Valaviciai Chapel “Those who desecrate this creation will be unhappy“, it is believed to be the evil spell Valaviciai Chapel cast on the researchers. And in fact, the archeologists who explored the ancient layers of previous cathedrals tended to die rather suddenly.
  If you would like to visit the museum in the Cathedral and to have a short guided excursion, visitors can purchase single tickets to the Cathedral and the underground Church Heritage Museum, the ticket price is 10 Lt ( 2.90 €).
  St. Cazimir Church was founded by the Jesuits and dedicated to St. Casimir, construction of the church began in 1604s. Casimir’s church is one of the finest Baroque churches in Vilnius, it also displays Gothic and Renaissance elements. It was built according to the style of Il Gesu church in Rome. From 17th Century a large crypt was discovered under the main altar of the church. It displays beautiful bas-relief pictures in black and dark blue of the crucified and resurrected Jesus and of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as praying monks and calligraphy. Fifteen Jesuits and benefactors were buried in the crypt; the remains of two hundred other people found under the vestibule were transferred to the crypt in 1995.
 Since the consecration of the church, each Sunday after the midday the best choirs in Lithuania present concerts.
  St. Anne’s Church and Bernardine church. No other city in the Eastern Europe can boast of such a number of unique churches, situated one quite a small territory. St. Anne’s Church church is considered to be masterpiece of late Lithuanian gothic and it is situated in front of the Bernardine Church and forms with it a single architectural ensemble. St. Anne’s church has become a sort of visiting card of Vilnius.
  There is a legend that Napoleon was so enchanted by its beauty that he exclaimed that he would like to place it on the palm and move to Paris. However, in fact, he used the church for the needs of the French cavalry.
  St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church is a Roman Catholic church located. It is considered to be a Lithuanian Baroque masterpiece. The church is a basilica built on a traditional cross plan with a lantern dome allowing extra light into its white interior.   The freestanding columns of the main facade were used for the first time in Lithuanian ecclesiastical architecture. 
  Gedimino prospectus ( avenue) is considered to be the main street in Vilnius. It is symbolic value can be seen from the patterns of changing its name as time goes by: it used to be called Lenin avenue in the Soviet times, and has known as Hitler avenue for a short period before that, and Mickiewicz avenue in the Polish Vilnius. Now it is named after duke who is said to have established Vilnius. There you can find many shops, banks and places to have a coffee or to taste some delicious food from coffee to restaurant or fast food eatery.
  The street starts from the Cathedral + castle and ends near the Parliament, so it’s right in the centre of the city. In the sense it is comparable to the famous Avenyn in Gothenburg ( Sweden).
 Pilies st. ( Castle st.) is best known as a tourist street. Now it is rich in a variety of souvenir shops and restaurants that offer a Lithuanian national food. This street is narrower, it is rarely ride by cars, here are lower buildings. Because the street is the old town heritage, it is the oldest and the most ornate street in Vilnius old town, which is full of architectural diversity.
 Presidential Palace is the official office and eventual official residence of the President of Lithuania. The palace dates back to the 14th century and during its history it has undergone various reconstructions, supervised by prominent architects. Now it is the nineteenth century neoclassicism style Palace.
  Town Hall Square of Vilnius is one of the oldest squares of Vilnius Old Town. Triangle form square appeared in the Market Square, which was on the fifteenth century. It is well known for events, the most famous is Kaziukas Fair held every year.
  Sireikiškių Park (formerly – “Bernardine Garden ") - the Old Town Park bounded by Vilnelė river. Park was founded in the eighteenth century near the Bernardine monastery by monks. In addition, here is standing and Church of the Holy Francis of Assisi Church, commonly known as the Bernardine Church and the Church of the Holy Anne's Church. Before here was the Botanical Garden and the first water pumping station was built. Now this park is being renovated and on summer in 2013 it will be prepared for visitors.
 The Green Bridge -  the bridge over the Neris River in Vilnius. In 1915 withdrawing Russian troops unsuccessfully tried to blow it up. But in 1944 German blown it up along with the water pumping station and the city power station. The Green Bridge was rebuild in 1952.
  Žvėrynas Church is neoromantic style church, which is historical, has rectangular plan and three naves. Facades are decorated with niches for statues of saints. It was built in 1925.
  Even if this short route ends here, it is much more places you can visit in Vilnius, to take a guide and to know its stories. As so many things changed till these days, still it is very interesting to know and to see how it was before. 

Welcome to Vilnius!


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The gorgeous medieval capital, Tallinn, attracts city breakers looking for a combination of outstanding architecture and great night life hot spots. The nice forests and lake lands thrills nature lovers and making Estonia one of the hottest new travel discoveries in Eastern Europe. Read more about Estonia...

Whether relaxing in spa towns, visiting castles, hiking through forests, listening to concerts, or even driving through on the way to Finland, Latvia seems to embrace the visitor like an old friend. It is no surprise that one of the most extraordinary men of literature, Baron von Munchausen, found inspiration in Latvia, a country that brings some dreams to life. Read more about Latvia..

Going on a trip to the countryside you will see spectacular natural landscapes. The Curonian Spit, Nida, and Lithuania’s lovely national parks impress all visitors. The castle at Trakai located on an island at a Lake Galve is a must for all wanting to learn a little about the Lithuanian history and enjoy beautiful scenery.
City lovers find all types of dazzling entertainment; theaters, opera, clubs and bars in all main cities.
If you are in need of time for relaxation, then the great spa resorts offer some of the best high quality Spas in the world. Read more about Lithuania..

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