Travel to Lithuania

Come by sea:

By ferry

To Lithuania
(via Klaipėda)
Ferry routs: 
Kiel (Germany) - Klaipėda, 
Karlsahmn (Sweden) - Klaipėda, 
Sassnitz (Germany) - Kalipėda.
Ferry tickets you can get from us: 

Information getting to:

 J. Janonio bus station to Klaipėda old town with bus number 2, stop at Senamiestis bus station. The price from the bus is 2,40 Lt ( ~0,70 EUR) or in advance from kiosk price is 2 Lt (~0,58 EUR). 
 J. Janonio bus station to main  Klaipėda bus station take bus 2, than stop at Dubysos bus station and go to another side of the road Dubysos bus station  and take bus 15, stop at Priestočio st.
Or take a taxi:
 Taxi numbers KLAIPEDA
+370 46 311211
+370 46 340034
+370 46 344070
+370 46 211112
+370 46 472222
+370 46 232323
+370 670 34843
+370 46 345345
+370 687 99409

Come by land

By bus

Coming to Lithuania by bus

Nonstop buses of various transportation companies drive passengers to Lithuania from these countries: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine.

If you want to book a bus, write for us:
Public transport routes:
Some information you can find here:

Information getting to:

From the Vilnius Airport to the main Vilnius bus station take bus 1A, stop at Stotis bus station (ticket 2 Lt, 0, 58 EUR).
The main Vilnius bus station is near the Vilnius Old town,  just go straight Geležinkelio st. and take turn to Pylimo st., it is about ~200 meters.

By car in Lithuania

The main highways in Lithuania are:
A1 – Vilnius-Kaunas-Klaipėda 
A6 – Kaunas – Zarasai – Daugpilis

Roads and prices
Palanga - Klaipėda A13/E272 25.1km, 29min. ~40.16Lt (11.61EUR)
Klaipėda - Kaunas E85 219km, 2h 10min. ~350,4Lt (101,27EUR)
Kaunas - Druskininkai 120km, 1h 57min, ~192Lt (55,49EUR)
Kaunas - Vilnius E85, 103km, 1h 27min, 164,8Lt (47,63EUR)
Vilnius - Druskininkai A4, 129km, 1h 51min, 206,4Lt (59,65km)
Vilnius - Trakai M7, 27,9km, 33min, 44,64Lt (12,90EUR)
Rent a car:

Driving in Lithuania
There is a right side traffic in Lithuania. Using a seat-belt is stringent for all passengers in the vehicle. Sometimes insurance companies may reject to defray expenses for damage in case of accident if passengers did not wear seat-belts. Lights must be turned on 24 hours all year round. A driver must have his or her driver`s license, car registration documents or a commission to drive the car.

Speed limits
50km/h in townships
80 km/h outside the townships
100/110/130 km/h on a highway according to a road type and season

Parking on pavement is forbidden unless the signs tell otherwise. Parking usually is paid, you can pay in the nearest parking automaton.  The payment value depends on the place where you want to park.  If you want to park in Vilnius Old Town, for 20 minutes you have to pay 1 litas. Outside the Old Town territory 30 minutes cost 1 litas. In the green Vilnius parking zone 1 hour costs 1 litas.

Driving tipsy
It is forbidden to drive a car in Lithuania if there are more than 0,4 mille of alcohol in your blood. Lithuanian law is very strict on that and it is usual to organize random inspections. If a driver is taken in insobriety , police has a right to take away his or her driver`s license, to impose a huge fine or to arrest. If there are some open alcohol bottles in a vehicle, driver is also threatened with a fine. In case in a vehicle there is a  sober  passenger  who has driver`s license, but the vehicle was still drove by a drunk driver, a fine threatens for the passenger too.
hildren safety in a car
Safety of children must be guaranteed with safety-belts or a child-seat. A child-seat is stringent for children under 13 years.

By Train:

Vilnius train station

In order to know the time schedule and the destinations, please write to us:
Vilnius train station is near main Vilnius bus station and Old town.


Taxi in Lithuania:

 This small application will help you to choose best price rates from given Taxi companies with ability to call your chosen company. Cities: VILNIUS, KAUNAS, KLAIPĖDA, PANEVĖŽYS, ŠIAULIAI:

Where you can find all taxi numbers:

Warning! Normal 1 kilometer price is about 1,70 Lt - 0,4 to 0,5 EURO!
Check kilometer price:

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