About Latvia

Closer to Latvia

 One beautiful country of Baltic States with their own language, traditions, nature and historical places. Latvia is another example of being more and more popular for tourists.

 Latvia is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic sea, sharing borders with Lithuania to the south, Estonia to the north, Russia to the east and Belarus to the southeast.
 The area of Latvia totals 64,000 square kilometres with 500 kilometres of coastline. The population is a little less than 2.5 million people, of which 58% are Latvian, 29% are Russian, and 4% Byelorussian. Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews and others reside in Latvia in small numbers.

 Riga is the capital of Latvia and one of the biggest cities in Baltic States. Daugavpils is a major railway junction and industrial center. The city is surrounded by many lakes and nature parks. Liepaja is situated on the coast of the Baltic Sea in the south-western part of Latvia and has Most of the administrative and cultural buildings are found here as well as the main leisure areas. Jelgava - city famous for its castle in the brick  island. And Jurmala - the biggest resort city in Baltic states.

 The climate in Latvia is moderate with distinct seasons. Summers are generally warm and short. Autumn and spring are relatively mild and rainy. Winter weather is cold and fluctuates a great deal, with some years snowier and colder than others.
 Latvians are able to become united and achieve great things. Latvians were ready for the Singing Revolution and the Baltic Way, when in 1989 many hundred thousand people of Latvia, irrespective of their ethnicity and religious affiliation, went into the streets of Latvia to fight for Latvia’s independence from the USSR.
 Life in Latvia has been connected to the Baltic Sea for ages. Latvia has 500 kilometres of beach along the Baltic Sea, modern port cities, fantastic resort cities, old fishing villages, quiet, secluded and even unruly pockets of nature and diverse relaxation options. It's all there at the Latvian seaside.

 Over one third of the 1 836 kilometre-long total Latvian border runs along the Baltic Sea. Locals tend to refer to it as two separate “seas” – what is called the Dižjūra (or Great Sea), which is the open coast along the Baltic Sea in western Kurzeme, and the Mazjūra (or Little Sea), which is the Gulf of Riga. The two bodies meet at Cape Kolka, where tourists flock to watch the crashing waves that have always proved dangerous for sailors.
 Latvian is the official language of the Republic of Latvia. Russian is often spoken as well. Both English and German are spoken to some degree, with English becoming increasingly common.

  National Anthem of Latvia is named „Dievs, svētī Latviju!“ („God, Bless Latvia!“). Words and music by Kārlis Baumanis (Baumaņu Kārlis, 1834–1904).
 For travellers, the best thing about Latvia is that it is so compact. Its 500 km of sandy beaches are easily reached from historical towns, where medieval hanseatic foundations support baroque and art nouveau buildings, that become venues for cultural festivals during the summer. Families of storks happily give their seal of approval to the unspoilt nature, fresh air and clean water around them. In addition to Riga, its spectacular gateway, there are 6 other UNESCO world heritage listed sites. A trading hub for over 800 years, it is well versed in welcome. With such a variety, Latvia is best enjoyed slowly. 

 Latvia is famous for folk-songs/festivals and flowers. Also, for a very popular sport game ice hockey, they have good dancers and singers, artists, music players, actors, who are famous not only in Latvia, but in other countries. They attaches great importance to science as well. 
 In Latvia, there is every opportunity to receive high-level medical services, yet Latvians know how to ensure everyday well-being and strengthen their health by using both methods tried and tested the world over, such as spas and similar treatments, and skills and knowledge that have their roots in traditional medicine. Also, hotels services has a high quality, mostly they have conference rooms, it means that they are accommodated for business trips.
 Beautiful people, amazing nature, magnificent castles, interesting activities and much more, what you can feel, you can see and explore. 
Welcome to Latvia!

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